Obits submitted by 2-3 members in 2008 have been added today. I saved each surname as separate documents, which I then converted to a PDF to add to the page. If you have an obituary you would like to submit for inclusion, I can revise the word document and update the page. Please send them to me at In the Subject line of your email, please state: Obituary to add to _______________ [surname] and paste the obituary into the email. Then I can update my word document add as revised PDF for that surname to the page.
Senerchia, Italy
Dedicated to our Senerchiesi Ancestors

May 2022 Update
Numerous descendant charts created several years ago have now been updated. These charts were previously housed on a Yahoo mail list, which ultimately decided to eliminate the housing of files, photos, etc. as the cost of web storage has gone up. I attempted to gather as many of these items as possible. I have been ultimately very busy in other areas of my life that I had not had time to keep up this project. I am committed to helping us move forward with this site. I welcome any and all contributions of information, data and materials about our ancestors from this commune in Italy. Help me help you!
Monetary Donations May 8, 2022
If you would like to assist with the management of this site, any and all financial donations are appreciated. This will go toward the maintaining of the domain purchase for the many years I have owned it and the registration, along with housing of the materials. In the column at the right is a CONTRIBUTIONS link. It will take you to a Paypal link which is also used for maintaining a site for USGenWebSites which houses county and state websites for The USGenWeb Project. Every dollar makes a difference. If you use "Friends and Family" your entire amount goes toward the project and no deductions are made from that amount. This is NOT a 501(c)(3) so it is not tax deductible. If you would prefer to mail a check, contact me through the new Google mail list for Senerchia. The mail list information is found in the right hand column.
Our Senerchia Ancestor Website
Welcome to a website that I have dreamed for many years of bringing to those who are searching for their ancestry in the commune of Senerchia. I can take credit for the dream, but not for all the work to soon be found on this site. The contributions here come from many kind Italian descendants and friends made along the way who have believed in this project, but who have no family whatsoever from Italy or from Senerchia.
I began the search for my ancestry many years ago. As we all experience, the living of life takes place and we try to fit everything into a few hours a day. We make room for all the things we think we "have" to do and often put off the things we "want" to do. Over the years, I have attempted to spend as much time as possible in the search of many lines of my family tree. I have gathered much information and hope to be able to provide a link from me and my children and my brother, to those of you who are related to ancestors from Senerchia. I know in my heart that we are finding links to our extended family.
I dedicate all the work here of the things I have done and the creation of this website to my dear mother who passed away in 1987 and to her Italian family who came before her. The absence of just one of them would mean that we wouldn't be here. Whether I come closer to knowing my extended family in the physical, I know they are closer in my heart, no matter the distance or time. This has been and still is a journey of love, and a journey to bring results to those who haven't had the ability to find them on their own. Hopefully, through this website and the contributions of many, you will find a link to your past and to your present.
Please join my friends as we take a walk back into the history of our Italian families. Some items will bring tears of sadness and others will bring tears of joy that only connecting with families we have never known can bring. I hope you enjoy the adventures here as they unfold.
With much love,
The photo banners on these pages appearing on this site were created by Marsha Bryant, Owner of Templates in Time.
The photos were contributed by others researching their Senerchia ancestors.