Senerchia, Italy

Dedicated to our Senerchiesi Ancestors

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Monetary Donations May 8, 2022

If you would like to assist with the management of this site, any and all financial donations are appreciated. This will go toward the maintaining of the domain purchase for the many years I have owned it and the registration, along with housing of the materials. In the column at the right is a CONTRIBUTIONS link. It will take you to a Paypal link which is also used for maintaining a site for USGenWebSites which houses county and state websites for The USGenWeb Project. Every dollar makes a difference. If you use "Friends and Family" your entire amount goes toward the project and no deductions are made from that amount. This is NOT a 501(c)(3) so it is not tax deductible. If you would prefer to mail a check, contact me through the new Google mail list for Senerchia. The mail list information is found in the right hand column.

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